Wednesday, October 29, 2008


We are 34% towards our goal of $1000 for the kids at Eagles Wings. I am thrilled that so many of you have graciously contributed to the fund. Thanks you so much!

Monday, October 27, 2008

You Will Be Helping Ma Tai

Ma Tai is one of the children who will benefit from this fundraiser for the holidays. This young man is in desperate need of love and I think that we can help. Here is a story of how he recently came to Eagles Wing written by Jenny, the resident Nai Nai.

I would like to share a really special story with you about Ma Tai.

I live in Eagles’ Wings Three. It is a family home, set up on the fifth floor of the administration building of the orphanage. Although Eagles’ Wings Three is in the orphanage compound, it is run completely by Chinese Orphans’ Assistance Team (C.O.A.T). and funded by sponsorship of the children, beds and ayies (nannies).

Several people had asked me to try to bring Ma Tai to Eagles’ Wings Three, but I didn’t have room or funds until this week when a team from CHI came to bring more love the kids. Several of these beautiful ladies from various parts of the world approached me to find out if it was possible for him to come here, if they sponsored a bed for him.

I went to look at him and one of the ladies told me he had a broken spirit and that they were concerned he would die. He was just skin and bones. He was such a quiet little boy, but in the ward where he was, the other children can be violent and he had no way to protect himself. Some team members from the past could not believe how sad he had become since they saw him last. The orphanage is short staffed because the pension and insurance bill is high, so 20 ayis were dismissed so that remaining orphanage workers. Some children are tied up all day and others locked in. So I told the CHI team members I would see what I would do.

While I was in Hong Kong recently I visited the Amazing Grace book store and the kind man there gave me some dvds for the children. When I came back to my room after talking to the CHI team, I was playing one of these dvds for the children. From this dvd, the words “broken spirit” hit me. It was like Our Father saying: “What are you waiting for?”

All I could do was cry and wait for my interpreter who was off till the next day.

I approached the team and asked for prayer as I needed to set up an appointment to gain the permission I needed with the director. The next morning it took me quite some time to arrange to see Director Li. Eventually, he sent word that he was too busy to see me, but he told us to just go the to orphanage and see the ayi in charge.

She didn’t even blink before she gave approval.

Ma Tai was too weak to walk, so a strong man from the team carried him up the five flights of stairs.

All prayers for this rescue were answered wonderfully by Our Father. It reduced me to tears of great joy.

Once he arrived I asked the ayi to shower him and she was shocked at the bones showing and gently showered him and dressed him in nice clean clothes. He was starving. It was lunchtime.

He was given noodles and banana. He was so afraid the food would be taken from him that he didn’t even chew his food just gulped it down so someone else didn’t eat it.

He doesn’t smile, and has no emotion. Just looks very sad. But here we will give him love and care and The Father of Orphans will take care of the rest.

The ladies on team have been wonderful and supplied lovely new clothes and shoes for him and today he looked so much better. Please continue to pray for him. Love changes things and God is Love.

Saturday, October 18, 2008